Boat Lift Installation & Repair
We are factory trained for installs of all types of lifts built by all of the manufacturers in SW Florida. We offer all of these lift types but focus on Dolphin boat lifts manufactured right here in Ft. Myers, Fl. Dolphin has been in the lift business for over 25 years and has a very broad product line, all sizes and styles. Their warranty is better than most, but here is what counts, they have a full time service department that responds quickly to your warranty and service needs, where the “other guys” do not. Ask the other guys how they do their warranty work, you will be surprised! They don’t. We feel we should chose the manufacturer that offers the most for a customer and that is why we feature Dolphin. If you need parts and/or a lift upgrade, we can do it all at one time and custom fit the boat to your slip etc.
We have experience in raising large boats also, as we have gone from dingy’s to 42 viking’s to 52 ft Pershings, also large sailboats, even with winged keels. We do over 100 boat lift installs and repairs a year and have for 17 years!
Call and let us review your project remembering that a degreed mechanical engineer will walk you through the critical aspects of the job, including full explanations of the balanced loading etc needed to raise your boat no mater what size.
Call Us today for a free quote
Contact Aquamarine Construction for more information on the ways, that we, in an enjoyable collaboration, can take your boat dock in Cape Coral from vibrant dreams to a stunning reality!
Call us at 239-243-4011 or visit our Contact page to send us an email.